cartoon of headless man

Episode 233 – Singing Without a Head

"On Having No Head" by Douglas Harding is a short, concise book that shows a simple method to finding states of open awareness and flow. This state of lowered self-awareness is
Illustration of a brain with music notes

Episode 228 – Mindset for Advanced Singing

There comes a period in a singer's development where the mind becomes the challenge rather than the voice. Reaching the highest levels requires a mindset that is quite different from the
a power cord

Your Precious Singing Resource

Positive, focused energy is vital for good singing, but there is so much in our lives that saps this precious resource. Social media, stress, and negative thinking are just some of
ice cream cone dropped on the ground

Episode 211 – Music Isn’t Fair

Just as in life, music and singing will bring disappointments. Most of these disappointments are not in our control, but that doesn't mean we can't get back on track. In this episode,
Illustration of a cat with question marks

Episode 206 – Do I Have Talent?

Almost every creative endeavor carries the question, "am I good enough? Do I have talent?" This feeling of not being good enough has caused many worthy voices to stumble and go
Walking through dark clouds towards sunlight

Episode 198 – Embracing Change

Change is inevitable but rarely easy. In our current turbulent times, change is accelerating at a breakneck and often frightening pace. In this episode, John discusses how change can be positive