Hey there, this is John Henny and in today’s tip, I want to talk about dealing with discouragement. 

Discouragement is a topic that I talk about often in my podcast because it’s learning to sing is a really high-level skill. It’s a high-level skill we’re trying to master and it’s not easy. That’s why singing is special because it’s not easy, but along the way, we will become discouraged, you will become discouraged. And it’s how quickly you can get out of that discouragement and back onto the path of improvement that’s really going to make a difference in your singing skills. And you’re seeing journey. 

You have to understand as you get better, as a singer, your ears are improving. Your concepts are improving, your knowledge is gaining and you will start to look at your voice from a different Place from a different set of skills. And so you’re always going to find yourself lacking. And you’re going to be measuring yourself against some ideal that you may have. And what you want to do is when you’re feeling that way you need to look at where you’ve come from. 

You need to look back and see what you’ve gained and what you can do now that you couldn’t do a month ago or six months ago. And that needs to keep you motivated that needs to show you that you are indeed getting better. Rather than always focusing on your weaknesses and where you are not. You need to constantly keep yourself positive and focused because there are a lot of things that can knock you down, and it really how quickly you can get back up. 

Hey, if you want more information, go to my website johnhenny.com and please listen to my podcast, the intelligent vocalist and all kinds of singing tips waiting for you there. Thank you so much. Talk soon.