Hey John Henny here and today I want to talk about Extending Your Range. 

One misunderstood aspect of extending your range of getting higher notes is that people think they really just have to work their vocal cords and work their vocal cords in order to build up strength for the flexibility to get those notes and although that’s part of it, resonance is an absolute key factor. 

Once you create the Soundwave, the way it interacts in your throat and your mouth, resonators, is going to create patterns of energy that either help the voice or hinder the voice. It’s kind of like waves coming in, and some waves you can ride to shore and other waves are going to create conditions where you get a Riptide and you get pulled out to sea and some ways that we will set up our resonance and try and sing a high note. We end up in the riptides, which in our case is singers is cracking and strange and flipping. 

So I encourage you as you seek to sing higher notes, begin to understand how resonance works and work on that as well. 

This is John Henny with a quick vocal tip and I’ll talk to you soon. 

If you’d like more information, visit my website johnhenny.com and subscribe to my podcast The Intelligent Vocalist for more singer insights.