Hey there, this is John Henny and on today’s vocal tip I want to talk about Getting Enough Sleep.

It is said the average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep per night but only a third of us are getting that. So that leaves the other two thirds in sleep deprivation and I have to assume there are a few singers in those two thirds of the population. And the more they study sleep and sleep deprivation, the worse the news looks. Basically in order to be able to control the fine motor skills of this instrument. 

You have got to be properly rested. Also, when you haven’t had enough sleep, we tend to have inflammation in the body and inflammation of the vocal cords, as you know, makes it incredibly difficult to sing. We need more tension to bring the notes up to pitch. It’s harder to bring the folds together to get them nice and buzzy and phone aiding or making sound. All in all, you need sleep. 

So you need to develop a good sleep routine. And I would suggest going online and doing a search. But essentially, you need to start shutting things down turning off the computer turning off your phone, getting in a quiet environment, cool everything down, get calm and get your sleep it’s very important. 

Hey from our voice tips, go to my website johnhenny.com and be sure to subscribe to my podcast The Intelligent Vocalist. Thank you so much.