When is Simple Too Simple?


We’ve all seen the quotes from history’s great thinkers extolling the genius of simplicity.  Even the Apple computer I write this on is a testament to the virtues of keeping things simple.

However, behind this simple interface lies a whole wealth of knowledge and expertise.  True simplicity actually requires great of knowledge and study – some of it rather complicated.

As a singer or voice teacher everything should look effortless to the listener or student.  You, however, must have done a great deal of work behind the scenes to create this simplicity.


Lack of Knowledge

I have too often seen singers and teachers use this “simple is best” model to cover up their own lack of knowledge and study.  Singers who think that voice training will ruin their individual style, teachers who think intuition is greater than deep study.  These are examples of simple not being better.


Learn All You Can

When I created my lecture on The Science of Vocal Bridges, I spent many hours trying to find ways to simplify this topic.  I knew I had to find ways to make these concepts understandable to teachers and singers, but I also knew I could not short-change the subject matter.  It’s too important.

I found that in order to simplify things I had to study even more.  I needed a deeper understanding of the subject in order to get to the core.


Simple Comes From Power

Teachers – strive to become a master of your craft.  If you don’t know vocal anatomy or how formants and harmonics work, go and seek out everything you can on the subject.  Are you less proficient in a certain style?  Start listening to as many examples as possible.

How are your piano skills?  If they are lacking, start practicing today.

Singers – how much do you really know about your instrument?  Start today by finding the best teacher possible and get working.  A great voice teacher will not hamper your style but will expand it.

Ask your teacher why they are giving you certain exercises.  If they can’t answer or tell you to just trust them, move on!  You need and deserve the full amount of knowledge you are paying for.


Power Made Simple

Teachers – once you are in command of your craft you will astound students with your simple and easy to understand directions.  You will get results so quickly your students will be stunned.

Singers – command of your instrument and craft will leave audiences breathless as you simply and effortlessly communicate the emotional truth of your song.

The power of all your hard work lies in the simplicity of your mastery.  Keep getting better every day.

P.S. If you’d like to improve your knowledge of the singing voice, CLICK HERE.