Keep a consistent practice schedule:  Just like exercise consistency is king.  It is better to do 20 minutes a day for six days a week than to do 2 hours for just one day.  Coming to the voice fresh each day helps you stay focused.

Balance your practice:  Only working songs or just running scales is not a well rounded practice session.  Make sure your vocal workout includes a warm-up period followed by exercises for range and power and finally songs.

Learn Deliberate Practice:  Mindless practice can not only lead to slow progress but can actually become detrimental to the voice.  Practicing incorrectly can lead to your technique becoming worse.

Deliberate practice means staying alert throughout your session.  Constantly analyze your results and adjust accordingly.

Break Down Your Songs: Running straight through songs is a common mistake singers make.  Isolate the difficult sections of songs and work them separately – even just a few words at a time.  Slow down the tempo and repeat until you can do it correctly.  Then try the section within the context of the song.

Work Regularly With A Voice Teacher:  Even if you are an advanced singer, regular sessions with a teacher can provide insights into your voice you may miss.  Make sure your teacher is the best you can find.

Perform:  Even if just going to Karaoke, regular performing will help cement your skills.  Meeting the higher pressure of an audience is key to gaining control over your instrument.

Listen to Music:  Not just listen, but deeply listen.  Break down how your favorite singers use phrasing, dynamics and melodic embellishments.