Hey there, this is John Henny and on today’s voice tip, we’re going to have a Singing Lesson From Patrick J Star. 

I am an unabashed SpongeBob SquarePants fan and of course I love Patrick J Star and Patricks unique vocal quality is a very low learns who’s born to Bode. And what that low larynx does is it extended the length of the resonating tube so Patrick’s voice is done on that low larynx. For a singer what that extra long to will do is it can create a condition that will eliminate vocal strain. Now of course this is not a sound that we’re going to want to sing on unless we’re doing SpongeBob the musical but this longer tube will tend or will resonate, boost lower frequencies and there’s some acoustic science that’s going on. But the bottom line is you can’t shout or strain when you’re in the low larynx condition. 

So exercises that are really good for that are this nice, simple, say dopey sounding, or Patrick sounding. B G E E. And when you do that exercise it’s almost impossible to yell. As a matter of fact, if you make that really low larynx sound, and try and squeeze your folds together, you can’t do it. You can’t strange so when you’re feeling a lot of vocal fatigue, or stress, or when you’re just warming up a little Patrick J Star can be just the ticket. 

Hey if for more voice tips, please visit my website johnhenny.com and be sure to check out my podcast The Intelligent Vocalist. Thank you so much.