Hey there, this is John Henny. And on today’s vocal tip, I want to talk about the power of resonance.

When we are singing, we need the sound waves that emanate from our vocal cords or vocal folds. To go into these resonant spaces, these acoustic spaces of the throat and mouth, where the size and space interact with the sound wave in ways that can either be unhelpful or very helpful. 

So I want to talk about the power of really good resonance. When you get your resonators, precisely adjusted to the sound wave and an optimal way, you are going to get this burst of energy. The resonators really get the sound waves bouncing around and this energy travels out the singers mouth to the listener’s ear. But almost as important, the energy travels back down towards the vocal folds, the energy goes both ways and the importance of this is this energy reflecting back to the vocal folds actually helps the cords resist more air without using more muscle.

It’s kind of like a backlog of traffic jam. I’m from LA so I traffic jams are very familiar to me and imagine that you have a large helium filled balloon and you’re struggling to keep it down and to control it. These good resonance is like turning on a large powerful fan above the balloon that’s blowing down. Now suddenly, you can control the balloon without struggle. That’s what that good resonance does for the singer. If you’ve ever hits a higher note that really feels easy, for whatever reason, so easy it’s surprising. That’s because you are experiencing the powerful benefit of good resonance. 

Hey for more vocal tips, visit my website johnhenny.com and be sure to subscribe to my podcast The Intelligent Vocalist. 

Thank you!