Hey there, this is John Henny. And on today’s vocal tip, I want to talk about the two elements you need to create a memorable Vocal Performance.

In any great vocal performance, in fact, in any great catchy song, there are two elements, the familiar and the familiar. Let me explain. If your vocal performance or a song is all familiar information, it quickly becomes dull. We’ve all heard singers where as they come back to the verse and then the chorus, there’s there’s nothing new. There’s nothing grabbing the ear. In songwriting, it would be like covering Three blind mice, nobody cares. Because it’s too familiar. It’s too predictable. But if it’s all unfamiliar, if it’s unpredictable, and we’ve heard this where a singer goes to cover a song, and right off the bat, they’ve wandered away from the melody wildly, it’s almost unrecognizable. And that is just a distraction, you can’t follow it. And in music, when it’s just constantly unfamiliar information, you end up with jazz. I’m just kidding, calm down jazz fans.

I love jazz. But you know pop music you have to have this familiar and unfamiliar element. So what you need to do is you need to constantly reinforce what the audience is familiar with, but then shake their expectations just enough that you reawaken their attention. We are all constantly being dragged away by thought being distracted and your listeners are no different. There are constant distractions around them. So you need to give that new information to reawaken their interest and keep them focused on your vocal performance. 

Hey, for more vocal tips, visit my website johnhenny.com and subscribe to my podcast the intelligent vocalist if you like these tips, you’ll love my podcast. Thank you so much.