Hey there, this is John Henny and today I want to talk to you about Why You Need To Get Out Of The Practice Room.

As a voice teacher, I am obviously very enthusiastic about studying and practicing the voice however, it can become a trap. If your singing journey is just going to voice lessons or watching video after video and reading books and going to the practice room and running exercises, but not performing. You are nowhere getting near your potential. You really need the trial by fire of getting up and singing in front of other people.

It really will galvanize everything that you’ve been learning, you have got to put this into practice. Singing is not about scales. It’s not about voice lessons. It’s about communication. So I urge you get out of your comfort zone. Get out of the practice room, get on stage and saying. 

Hey, if you want more vocal tips, subscribe to my podcast The Intelligent Vocalist and check out my website johnhenny.com I have courses for teachers and singers. Talk to you soon.